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Hearts & Iron 2 coverHEARTS & IRON #2  "Clubland"
   In issue two, John  and Carl go out on the town and flex their way through bars and clubs, and confront "gay culture" head on.  The music-loving club goers whom Carl and John rescued from bashers in issue #1 are trying to get their demo heard.  Carl solos his ultralight.  Line dancers, leathermen, street preachers - they're all in "Clubland". This is a fun issue – and John and Carl get naked!
   24 pages, Please state in the specified field, or in email, that you are at 18 or older or of legal age in your community when you order.


Prcview pages
John and Carl at dinner John's hairy chest Johm crushes billyard ball carl takes off in ultralight

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© 2012 Jeff Jacklin