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Hearts & Iron
Carl is an aspiring mixed martial arts fighter, an amateur pilot, and a carpenter/painter. John is an aerospace engineer, taller than you, and he's not just a huge bodybuilder, but superhumanly strong - and no wonder, with Hercules as an ancestor!

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Hearts & Iron strip 1 Hearts & Iron strip  2 Hearts & Iron strip 3 Hearts & Iron strip 4 Hearts & Iron strip 5 Hearts & Iron strip 6
Hearts and Iron strip 7 "Big Plans" Hearts and Iron strip #8 "Showing Off" John showsoff his true strength John and Carl in swim trunks at pool party Hearts and Iron strip number 10 John and Carl show off strength John crushes car
John and Carl in muscle worship session John and Carl continue muslce worhsip session Carl measures John's chest Carl gerts ready to throw a punch Carl in MMA match Carl and John after Carl's MMA match
Carl and John naked watching rainstorm outside John and Carl discuss Halloween costumes Carl and John nked in leaf pile John smashes building John and Carl shirtless Carl and John valentine's date
Carl & John in bed Carl at photo shoot Hearts & Iron strip 27 Carl does strip show for John John gives Carl a present bulges
John and Carl in shower John smashes wall for Carl An attempt to abduct Carl Carl fights back HI36 HI37
HI38 HI #39 strip John rescues Carl John and Carl muscled backs confronting bad guys John lifting two bad guys by the collar Carl grappling with MMA guy

Paul Bunyan
Now this dude is TALL... follow Big Paul's adventures in the north woods with his fellow lumberjacks.

New strip coming...
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Paul Bunyan 1 Paul Bunyan 2 Paul Bunyan 3 Paul Bunyan 4 Paul B curls barbell Paul's workout  part 6
To see the rest of Paul's Workout and parts 1 & 2 of the new arc, go here to order Paul's strip collection. Paul picks up Jeep Naked Paul B Paul and new friends Paul meets the bears Paul prepares to swim in ocean


Get "Paul Sees
the City" to see more!


Ursus Major, A Werebear's Tale
A cub gets more than he bargained for when he meets a bearded and furry dream man...

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Ursa Major 1 Ursa Major 2 Ursa Major 3 Ursa Major 4 Ursa Major 5 The dream of the woods continues... e cub meets others of the werebear clan under a full moon in the woods
halloween party with the cub and werebear Were bear and cub sleeping the werebear and cub approach a hibernation cave The werebear cave Cub gets honey poured on him Cub and werebear leave cave in spring
The cub and a friend are under the werebears' watch A werebear shows off paw and claws The cub and chaperone meet thugs Werebear chaperone confronts thugs The cub and chaperone are suprised by the werebear boyfriend werebears
Werebear and cub by fireplace Werebear and paw Werebear and cub go to cave cave dream cub and caveman Caveman kiss
Ursus strip 25 Cubh leaves the cave Werebears on beach werebear weekend werebear and cub werebear and cub at campfire
Cub and bear in werebear cave cub in cave ursus33 Ursus34 U35 Caveman reverts from Werebear
Werebear and cub walking in snow Werebear and Cub walking into past

© 2021 Jeff Jacklin